Rainbow's End

Rainbow's End
Rainbow's End Mini Rose

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24, 2012. SOS in the Country

Francis had two beautiful river birch trees in her front yard.  The bark was amazing.
              Linda and Sybil have a little swing talk after we finished mulching.
                                  Our hostess Francis made a delicious brunch.
                   We had corn on the cob, fruit salad, lettuce salad and spagetti.We had a fun and productive morning.  Francis gave us each a Night Blooming Ceres and a double Angel Trumphet.   Thanks Francis for the wonderful morning.

Conner's In the Country

This morning we gathered at Francis Conner's lovely garden to put mulch EVERYWHERE!!!

                         The first thing we saw was this lovely little fountain.

Her garden was lovely and way out in the country.
First we mulched the right side.
and then the mulched the left side. 
Her hubby is building her a lovely sunroom in the front.
                      The entry way to her garden is through the Jasmine Trellis.
                           Francis had 5 or 6 of these lovely pink bushes.
                                           The tomato and cucumber bed.
                        A unique trellis made from Francis Grandmother's bed.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Blooms!!!

~~~Spring Blooms~~~

Our favorite time of year with crisp cool mornings and blooming surprises every day.
                        This is the vegetable patch with potatoes, tomatos Kale and artichoke.
My newly planted hydrangea under the crepe myrtle.
Now enjoy the flowers.
                                           Charles Johnson Daylily
                                         Ring O Change?
                                                            Dublin Elanie
                                                   plant in middle Papaya Tree
                                           Russian Rhapsody
                                                 Cramoisis Superior
                                                   Red Gladiola

Cilantro Flowers
                                                       Moss Rose (Portucula)
                                            Pomagrante Blossom
                                      0    Vineyard Song Miniature Climber
                                                  Yellow Rose frm Springhill.


Top & Bottom pic of Green Ice (Mini)

SOS in The Ochoa Garden

On April 10, 2012

                  Sirens seize the day in the Ochoa Garden!!!

The first thing to do was fight the tangle of sweet peas and  weeds as we cleaned out some of the flowerbeds.
                       They looked like this!

They looked like this when we finished!!!

Nice and clean with mulch to suppress the weeds.
Sybil had to leave early to go to a funeral but the rest of us sat down for brunch.
We had a Zucchini/Egg Casserole, Mango Strawberry Fruit Salad, Bruchetti and Garlic Buns with Crystal Light and /or Hibicus Tea.

A bouquet of roses from the Garden.



Francis get ready we are coming to your house next.

Monday, April 2, 2012

~~~Hootnanny At Hoosier's House~~~

On March 20th we had a Hootenanny at Hoosier's House.
We met at 8am and worked hard to beat the rain.
Linda explained
 what she needed done.

Carol trimming the Jasmine on the Swing Trellis.

                        I tackled the bougainvillea and red saliva in her planter.

 Sybil surveying how to attack the back
flower bed.
                       WOW!!!!! What a beautiful Massive Lady Banks Alba  Rose!!!!!
                      After we cleaned the back side bed. It looks fresh.

                                  Frances, Carol and Sybil cleaning up.

                                     Linda , Carol, Sybil, Frances, and Gwen  ready to eat.

                 But first we have to all go check out Bill's nice big vegetable patch!

                                Let's Eat!!!  See the ledge on the upper right hand  wall?
                                           Linda decorates it for every holiday.
                                          She has all her Easter Bunnies up there.
                                                           SO Cute!! 
                                     She even has an Egg Tree behind Sybil
                                                  in the livingroom.
 We had a lovely brunch with an egg/potato casserole, fruit salad, juice,
           milk, yogurt with fruit, cresents and a special treat.......
                                                 Chocolate Brownie Dessert
                                                   What a presentation!!!!
                                                ~~~~ Yummylicious~~~~~
                                           Linda sent us home with Flower Seeds.
                    And off we went full and happy with a sense of satisfaction
                                                to beat the rain home!
                                                    Thanks Linda!!!